The writing in this show is funny. We'll see what kind of storylines they can come up with before I'd say it's good but it's certainly funny. The kids were really good in this show too. A show about a divorced guy with two kids who is dating could be aweful if the kids can't hold their own. I laughed at most everything they said.
Jay Mohr. I like this guy. He hosted Last Comic Standing way back when you only knew who he was thru Jerry McGuire and he was really funny. He held his own actually doing standup and I was pretty impressed (can't say the same for Bill Belamy). And his timing and delivery in this show as really good. I have nothing negative to say about this show. Everything was really well done. I hope it makes it.
Chad's Review...I'm in. It's solid. Not crazy funny but neither was my favorite show 30 Rock in it's pilot and look how far it's come.
Chad's Prediction...much worse has lasted way too long on CBS. It's not edgy enough for the older CBS crowd to not watch. I think it'll make it a season.
TJ Says...This is a new Jay Mohr comedy on CBS. Going in I had VERY low expectations. Mainly because I heard an interview of him on The Ticket and he was just an ass. No other way to really say it. He wasn't funny and wanted big laughs and ended up big timing the hosts. But hey, it's a new sitcom, so I'll watch it.
Basically, it's a new spin on a family sitcom. I use the term "family" highly loosely. The basics are that Mohr is just divorced and is starting a new relationship, and has two tweenagers. His Ex wife ends up **SPOILER** being engaged to their marriage therapist (Ed Begley Jr., who I'm quite intrigued by due to his over the top greenness). That relationship causes comedy.
The show exceeded my low expectations. It's not Worst Week, but it's not bad. There were a bunch of one liners in the show that I laughed at. I'm not certain I'll make it must see, but I'll probably check it out again.
TJ's Review....Not Bad, Not Great. There's been worse on TV that's made it longer (See According to Jim).
TJ's Prediction...It won't last the season, but may be a fill in show down the line for other failed shows.