Friday, June 27, 2008


Chad Says...While I really liked this movie there were a lot of factors that caused it to not meet the expectations I had which were, "Based on the movie trailer, this is the greatest movie ever made."

Now first off, the movie trailer. Whoever made it (them) should be shot b/c way too many cool things in this movie were in the trailers and that was completely unnecessary. All they had to show in the trailer was a dude curving a bullet around a pig carcass then the words, "Go see this MF'in movie". That would have done it for me.

Now I realize that what I'm about to say is ridiculous but bear with me here...there wasn't enough action in this movie. That's like being in a pie factory eating pie and saying, "this isn't pie-y enough." I say that b/c the ratio of action from the trailers to the movie were too low. Introducing the main dude...slow, kind of boring. Explaining how they get the names of people to assassinate...snooze. Basically the action in this movie was so awesome that when there wasn't action I was bored.

Now the actual action. Sweet fancy Moses was it good. Very matrix-like the way they pulled this stuff off. Except it was more of a superpower than 1's and 0's. I would have never thought of the stuff they did in this movie. It was so over-the-top and impossible but I bought every second of it. In fact you can't convince me I couldn't do any of that stuff. If you try I'll curve a bullet around a pig and kill you.

Chad's review: with one hand I'm applauding but with the other I'm giving the bird to the guys that made the trailers. Jerks.

TJ Says...Someone asked me in April "If you could see only one movie this summer, which one would it be?" My answer was WANTED. I was very much looking forward to this movie. So much so that I went to see the 12:01 first show.

My expectations were sky high. The previews looked great. For me, this movie somehow exceeded my expectations. I was very impressed. It was just awesome

The movie started out with a bang, and ended with a bang too. The middle of the movie lacked a little. They showed the cool parts in previews, so it was nothing new. They could have done more to show the development of Wesley into an assassain. That's the only critique that I can think of that would be applicable to this movie.

Stuff blows up. People get killed. It's all done in unique and awesome ways not seen before. Good enough for me.

TJ's review: If you're a fan of awesomeness, go see this movie. Today. If you like suck, don't go.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

So there was banging at the beginning and at the end??? I didn't know this was porn...I'm in!!!