Monday, February 9, 2009


TJ says...I should have not got my hopes up too high when I saw Johnny Storm as the hero. But, did I listen to myself? No. The previews looked pretty good, with the guy from Blood Diamond as the antagonist, and throw in a little Dakota should be at least well acted.

Uh....wrong. This movie was bad. It wasn't "terrible" because there was enough (barely) action to keep the rating from sinking too low. It's about paranormalists with different types of paranormal skills. You had the people who could put thoughts into your mind (Pushers), people who can see the future (watchers), people that can move things (movers) and a few asian guys that scream real loud and break glass and make your brains tomatoy (douchers...probably not their real nickname, but they were douchee).

As with any movie where you can see the future, or act on the future, there are plot holes. And this movie had a ton of them. Most the time, though, they make up for it with cool plot. This movie made up for it with douchee asian guys that scream. There's not a whole lot of positives to say. Oh, and they completely setup for Push 2: Push it Real Hard (all sequels need a real hard in the subtitle...or they would if I was a movie exec).

TJ's Review...Plot sucked. Acting was bad. No hot chics. Minimum action. Rent it when there's nothing else to rent.

Chad Says...I went into this movie expecting it to be the non-sucky version of Jumper. So I had the understanding that I was seeing a bad movie that I was going to like because lots of cool stuff happened. Luckily my expectations there were met.

The movie is way too complex for it's caliber. They try to cram in a whole world of people with abilities and give them very generic names like, "reader" or "stitcher". Here's the problem though. They invite you into this world of theirs and you, being the nice guy that you are, accept the rules of this new world. The main guy can "push" stuff. He throws energy at it and it moves it or punches it or whatnot. Okay so now I believe and accept this but once I'm there they want me to just hang on for a second b/c they need to lock the pusher in a trunk which he somehow can't open. Or the bad guy can hold him down and he can't push him while this is happening even though when the other pusher he just fought a little bit ago held him down he could get him off by using his abilities. So they should have had some sort of switch where they told my brain to be in "Push reality" then back to "reality" so I wouldn't roll my eyes at them.

Dakota Fanning is all grown up and she got her bottom teeth fixed. You ever notice those things before? She could have eaten corn on the cob thru a chain link fence with those chompers. Now she looks nice with her good teeth. And she cried a few times in this movie to let us all know she can act well. Oh, real quick - so she was a "watcher" so mental images came to her and she drew them. Problem is, her drawings looked like my 6 year old did them. Terrible.

Chad's Review...Push as in blow as in air moving out of something like a vacuum which does the opposite. Sucks.

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