Tuesday, October 14, 2008

My Own Worst Enemy

Chad Says...Very interesting. I haven't liked anything Christian Slater has done since Gleaming the Cube but just the concept of this had me. Action and spies pretty much does that every time. So the jist is, regular dude is also programed to be a super spy and people he works for can switch him back and forth. But he's switching back and forth on his own at random times unexpectedly. Delicious. I've been needing a good spy show since Alias went off the air. Correction, since the 3rd season of Alias when it should have gone off the air.

The show itself was very impressive. It must have been high budget b/c it looks great. The first episodes of shows are usually just setup the characters and start the story. You get to meet the spy side pretty well and a brief intro to the regular guy side but that was enough of a good start for me.

Christian Slater does seem to like himself a lot though. I bet there were times when they were filming this and he went, "Wait, hold on. I didn't get that eye squint just right. Let me do that again." As long as it isn't anywhere near as bad as Horatio on CSI Miami I can live with it. Seriously he turns to the side and poses in shots. Disgusting.

Chad's Review...I look forward to seeing more of this show. Added to my regular rotation.

Chad's Prediction...I think it'll get at least a season. NBC put so much production value into it they'll likely do whatever it takes to get a good audience. That didn't work for Studio 60 but we'll see what happens here.

TJ Says....This wasn't too intriquing for me. Christian Slater, I'm lukewarm about at best and I didn't know how they were going to pull off the story line. So my expectations we're very in the middle.

Throughout the episode I alternated between interested and bored. It was a little slow, but I think they were just setting up characters. But there was some interesting plot lines when Henry/Edward do or don't know about each other and how that all works out. I thought the acting was pretty good and I had not problems with that.

The guy from "Yes, Dear" that always wears a hat is in the show. Couple things, I've never seen him without a hat for more than 2 seconds on TV, and is this guy the best as the co-worker action star guy? Really?

TJ's review...I'm still in the middle. Not too excited, but I'll watch it again. It has some promise.

TJ's prediction...I think this show will make it an entire season, and then we'll go from there. Definately not a hit.

Friday, October 10, 2008

Kath and Kim

Chad Says...what a joke. Which is ironic since this show lacked any of those. I blame the awfulness of this show on one person. Selma Blair. Horrible. I chuckled a few times at Molly Shannon and her boyfriend - I love that guy, but I could not bear Selma. How she got cast in a comedy is beyond me.

The premise of the show is a daughter who got married is a selfish brat and leaves her new husband to move back in with her mom but she's turned the daughters room into a workout room. Meanwhile the mom is about to get engaged. So on a technicality this show is still labeled a "situational comedy" but it fails to produce laughs. The shots of the wedding video were funny and Molly Shannon's workout gear was amusing but after that I just stood there staring at the tv with my mouth open in shock that this show made it on the air.

Chad's Review...if they can go back in time and recast Selma Blair this show would be worth watching again. Unfortunately they'll have to figure out time travel on Fringe before this show can be saved. Oh well. Until that happens I'll just refer to this show as Kath and Krappy.

Chad's Prediction...I'll be surprised if this show makes is a full season. Because of the cast it'll get longer than it deserves though.

TJ Says...New "comedy" on NBC with Molly Shannon and Selma Blair. This looked promising. NBC needs to take CBS' approach and LOWER expectations.

This show was awful. I made it 13:52 before I quit watching out of boredom. I didn't laugh once.

TJ's Review...If you need help going to sleep, TiVO this and watch it before going to bed. Otherwise, avoid like the plague.

TJ's Prediction...This show can't make it longer than "Do Not Disturb". But it will...6 shows, then off to where it belongs, trash.

Monday, October 6, 2008

Eagle Eye

Chad Says...I have a drink idea for Starbucks. It's called a venti go see Eagle Eye. It's got a triple shot of slap yo face! Geez louise people. This movie was action packed. And it made me think of my dream job.

I want to wear a bone mic in my ear and have someone tell me what to do. No thinking. Just listening and doing. All the while the person on the other end is making all the dominoes fall into place so you make it from A to B in stride. Cool huh? That was this movie. With explosions. Lots of them.

Recently my mother said to me that she doesn't like watching movies with buildings blowing up. Ever since the Oklahoma City bombing she's felt this way. It's become an prerequisite for me to earn an A+ rating.

This movie had a little Matrix feel to it for a bit then a little War Games flavoring with some Die Harder on top. It also had a little Flight of the Navigator to it...but don't pay attention to the "how all this is happening", just enjoy the explosions! It also had a lot more actors that you know of in it. Nice little cast. Shia Labeouf is charming. And he fantastic at running away from things. Whether it be Decepticons or the police, he does it well. And yelling while running. Down, pat. In short I liked this movie. A lot. Action packed, good story, fine cast. And explosions. Lots and lots of explosions.

Chads Rating...Awesome. I put this up there with Wanted as one of the most recent movies that made me sweat while watching it on account of the massive amounts of action my brain was processing.

TJ Says...I had high expectations for this movie. It looked really good in the previews and an interesting story line. Someone controlling people just by accessing all the computers around them. Cool.

The moview was very action packed. Very fast paced. I wasn't bored at all and only looked at my watch once. I thought the actors all did well in their roles.

All that being said, isn't this just Enemy of the State II? Things I've noticed that Hollywood isn't a big fan of: #1. The Right. #2. Aritificial Intelligence. #3. Big Government (doesn't that go against #1?). Anyways...this movie villanizes all three of those.

The first half the movie was great, up until you learn who's pulling the strings, and then it gets pretty unbelieveable for me and I check out. It was still fast paced, but the "twist" didn't do it for me.

TJ's Review... It was worth seeing, just from an action standpoint. The story is a let down. But it was enjoyable. I give this a thumbs sideways.