Monday, March 31, 2008

Drillbit Taylor

Chad says...

Hey remember when I thought Owen Wilson was funny?

This movie was terrible. Basically it was these three kids - yeah I said three...I know the trailer only showed two but that's because the other kid was so annoying that they left him out of the trailer to trick you into seeing this movie. So three kids, one really skinny kid - we'll call him 'over actor', one fat kid who acted like Steven Segal with the squinty eyes and throaty voice and Brooklyn accent. Then there was a third kid that had me so fed up with this movie halfway thru that I couldn't even enjoy the one funny part. I'll get to that later.

Quick observation - way too many people had thick NY accents in this movie for it to be set somewhere in California.

Now - Owen Wilson. Let's just say that after making this movie he didn't think to himself, "life isn't that bad, I mean you just made Drillbit Taylor which will be a huge hit so stop thinking about killing yourself!" He's supposed to be homeless in this movie, yet he dresses really cool and has awesome hair. I imagine he was too distracted by that really annoying kid to step up his game and save this movie.

The one funny part was the kids taking turns punching each other. I'm not sure if it was the punching in the back, kicking in the nuts, etc that made me chuckle or just the fact that I was sitting next to TJ and he was crying at this part. So I might have been more entertained at him laughing at the movie rather than the movie itself.

Chad's rating - I did waste $7 on this movie but the only saving grace was that I didn't spend an extra $4 on popcorn.

TJ says...
I expected this movie to be funnier...that being said, it had it's moments and overall I enjoyed it. There were some funny parts. Of course, Hollywood way oversold the fact that there's an out of control bully in High School. They did a good job of making the bully over the top, because I hated that guy.

The kids were funny. I liked all 3 of them. Sure the smallest one was annoying, but he was SUPPOSED to be annoying. At one point, the fat kid from Brooklyn had a rap off with the bully. This was funny on a few levels. First, the "over actor" suggested the fat kid had to do it, because it was like 8-Mile (of Eminem fame). Second, the fat kid dropped some good rhymes with cutting humor. Good enough for me.

As per Owen one point I this Rush Hour 4? EXACT same character. Let's branch out a little. This is probably why Kate Hudson broke up with you and forced the afore mentioned Suicide attempt (quite dark chad).

Could the movie have been funnier? Yes. But it did make me cry laugh (crotch shots will do that), and the previews were funny (Mike Myers' new movie..let me just say...go see it...even if it does look like all the Austin Powers movies rolled into a Middle Easter Guru movie).

Rating: "Don't go see it as a guys movie at 10:30 on a Sunday night, but it's worth checking out. You can decide if it's a rental or matinee though."

Monday, March 24, 2008

Miss Guided

TJ Says...

I'm going to go ahead and say, watch this show. IT IS FUNNY. It's so funny my wife likes it, and she never likes funny stuff. Sure there are a lot of sterotypical jokes, but hey, that's what's funny about high school.

Chris Parnell is perfect as the vice principal. Of course they're ripping off the "I'm gay but I don't know it" from Arrested Development (isn't this where all funny ideas had their genesis?), but it works for me.

I guess the bottom line is that I laugh several times at every episode, with a few good cry laughs mixed in. Give this a chance and hopefully it gets a full season in the fall.

TJ's Rating "This is a must watch. Even if you can't record American Idol, watch this show."

Chad's reponse:

Seriously. Watch this show. This show is hilarious. Chris Parnel is genius and the main chick, Judy Greer who played the Blueth secretary in Arrested Development is really good. The humor actually reminds me of AD a little bit.

It's basically unpopular girl from high school is now a guidance counselor at her old high school and she's fighting the same popularity issues she did in high school after they hire the most popular girl from her class as a teacher there. There's a good looking male teacher who was the Auto Shop teacher but got himself promoted to Spanish teacher but he doesn't know any Spanish. One of my favorite lines so far:

New Teacher: Donde esta la biblioteca? (Where is the library)
Spanish Teacher: La biblioteca es en la playa. (The library is at the beach)
New Teacher: Such a beautiful language.

Good times.

I've watched 3 episodes so far and I've already got it up there with 30 Rock as my favorite comedies on TV. I REALLY hope the get some good ratings and it sticks around for a while b/c so far they've got gold.

Chad's rating - This show makes me laugh so hard I got in trouble for waking up the baby while watching this show.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Semi Pro

Chad says...

Oh Will Ferrell, you make me laugh. I was up in the air on what to think about this movie. I knew I wanted to see it b/c Ferrell was playing that character that he plays that does outlandish stuff that amuses me. You know the one. The guy that's been in all his movies except Stranger Than Fiction and Bewitched.

There was an unusual amount of cursing in this movie which kind of bothered me. Cussing just to get a laugh is really only good for one or two go's. They re-baited that hook about 30 times in this flick.

There's not a ton of moments that stick in my memory banks except the poker game where Will Arnett's character pulls a gun on Tim Meadows character. The character names are unimportant, just know that when you see that scene it will be a good time.

Also, while I laughed a lot during this movie there was one line that made me cry for like 5 min. Then I'd repeat it in my head and laugh some more. Ferrell had gotten knocked out at one point in the movie during a game and the other players on the team picked him up to carry him off of the court. It was something like, "Jackie Moon's teammates doing just an aweful job at supporting his neck and spine." as his head and neck flopped all over the place. Hilarious.

Chad's rating, "Will Ferrell is this generation's skinnier Chris Farley and he makes me laugh. This movie is no exception!"

TJ Replies...
I didn't have high hopes for this movie. Let's face it, Blades of Glory was a big time bust. Boring. But, Semi-Pro exceeded my expectations, and I was happily entertained for 90 minutes (it's best that these type of movies run under the 100 minute mark).

Like Chad, there's not too much that just sticks out in my mind, other than the "Jive Turkey" scene Chad references. It was the best of being uncomfortable, yet hilarious.

I think the movie will get better and better with each viewing, as stuff remains in your brain. That's what I call movie shelf life, and this has it in spades.

For now, that's all I got. TJ's Rating "This ain't no Jive Turkey. It's good for a laugh with the guys, but don't expect too much."