Friday, August 8, 2008

The Pineapple Express

Chad Says...Yeah I don't smoke weed. Never have. I also typically don't think drug humor is funny. So guys getting high and acting high doesn't make me laugh. So I hated the first 45 minutes of this movie. I was looking at my watch and considering leaving actually. But I knew some action was coming so I waited.

The action was enjoyable. There were parts where I laughed and then the action got boring. This is a terrible movie.

Two things that were good about this movie were the dude in the movie poster on the left. He's hilarious. More of him please. The other thing was the black dude in the movie - the guy that works in the warehouse in The Office TV show. He's great too. I you could edit out James Franco completely that would make this movie even better. He's officially dead to me. Anyone that can almost ruin Spiderman 3 should be punched out.

And Seth Rogan. Man. He's annoying. His laugh is horrible. He only does movies that involve him as a loser that smokes weed. Is that all he's got? Really?

Chad's review...If you smoke weed and think high people are funny this movie is right up your alley. So let me know if you see it and like it. I want to punch you in person.

TJ Says...I wasn't to hyped about this movie. It's seth rogan in the character he's done before, with a lot of dope and cussing. I don't do either, so I can't relate. But it looked kinda funny, so what the hay, I'll go see it.

To quote Seth "Weed makes movies better." If that's true, smoke about a pound of it before you go see this movie. It was TERRIBLE. It was funny in a few parts, but only chuckle funny. For the first half of the movie, i was COMPLETELY bored. The second half of the movie picked up a little, but still, not enough to save the movie.

The funniest character in the movie was the black guy from the office. And his funniest part was gettin his foot blown off.

TJ's Rating...Don't go see this movie. I can't even recommend a rental, and I will rent some REALLY REALLY BAD movies. Save your money.

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