Monday, December 1, 2008

Transporter 3

TJ says...Transporter 3 is the most recent (I dare say final) of the Transporter series. Jason Statham driving cars and kicking people? I'm in.

I didn't anticipate too much going in, other than a good time and watching stuff and people get jacked up. This movie had plenty of that. However, there was a good 45-50 mins in the middle of the movie where there was just dialogue. WTF? Come on. It's Transporter, not Pride and Prejudice.

TJ's Review...WAY to much talkie, not enough blow S up. Go see it, because J.S. is a bad mofo, but be prepared for the talking. Boo.

Chad Says...Oy vey was this movie terrible. Jason Statham doesn't make great movies, he makes action movies that are great. This one is the exception to the rule. Annoyingly horrible acting that the action couldn't make up for.

Chad's Review...Don't get me wrong, I'll still go see Transporter 4.

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