Monday, March 24, 2008

Miss Guided

TJ Says...

I'm going to go ahead and say, watch this show. IT IS FUNNY. It's so funny my wife likes it, and she never likes funny stuff. Sure there are a lot of sterotypical jokes, but hey, that's what's funny about high school.

Chris Parnell is perfect as the vice principal. Of course they're ripping off the "I'm gay but I don't know it" from Arrested Development (isn't this where all funny ideas had their genesis?), but it works for me.

I guess the bottom line is that I laugh several times at every episode, with a few good cry laughs mixed in. Give this a chance and hopefully it gets a full season in the fall.

TJ's Rating "This is a must watch. Even if you can't record American Idol, watch this show."

Chad's reponse:

Seriously. Watch this show. This show is hilarious. Chris Parnel is genius and the main chick, Judy Greer who played the Blueth secretary in Arrested Development is really good. The humor actually reminds me of AD a little bit.

It's basically unpopular girl from high school is now a guidance counselor at her old high school and she's fighting the same popularity issues she did in high school after they hire the most popular girl from her class as a teacher there. There's a good looking male teacher who was the Auto Shop teacher but got himself promoted to Spanish teacher but he doesn't know any Spanish. One of my favorite lines so far:

New Teacher: Donde esta la biblioteca? (Where is the library)
Spanish Teacher: La biblioteca es en la playa. (The library is at the beach)
New Teacher: Such a beautiful language.

Good times.

I've watched 3 episodes so far and I've already got it up there with 30 Rock as my favorite comedies on TV. I REALLY hope the get some good ratings and it sticks around for a while b/c so far they've got gold.

Chad's rating - This show makes me laugh so hard I got in trouble for waking up the baby while watching this show.

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