Tuesday, July 15, 2008


TJ Says...This is a new comedy on Spike. I saw a preview for the show and it was ok, until one guy was using a band saw, and not paying attention, cut something and blood flew everywhere. It made me laugh hard. So then I see it on TV late one friday, I'm in.

It's about 4 factory workers that are generically quirky. There's no laugh track (which is a bonus), and basically we just follow the hi-jinks of the 4 workers. The first episode I saw made me laugh hard about 5 times. I almost cry laughed 2-3 times. There's the odd outsider factory worker, that wants to be part of the group, but the group doesn't like him. That makes for comic genius.

TJ's Review...The show was a little slow at times, but made up for it in funny. I've added this to my DVR and will be watching all the new episodes as they come out. I recommend it.

Chad Says...Excuse me while I geek out for a second. But one of the dudes in the show - Dave Pasquesi is a Chicago improvisor. I once saw him do a 2 man fully improvised show with TJ Jagedowski (who is the passenger in the Sonic commercials that are a hoot) and it was completely amazing. [pushes up glasses, snorts then goes back to typing on keyboard]

This show is really funny. 4 deadbeat dudes all with great characters and each of them shine from episode to episode. Complete sophmoric humor done really really well. It's basically them playing grab-ass each week on the job at a precision tool factory - the absolute worst place to act that way. It all adds up to some very funny stuff.

Chad's Review...Granted I may be overrating this show b/c I love one dude in it but I REFUSE to miss this show each week.

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