Monday, June 23, 2008

Incredible Hulk

Chad says...Chad smash! Are you unfamiliar with the Hulk backstory? Don't worry about it, during the 2 minute credits they fill you in. There's even a nice reference to Iron Man in there if you catch it. Then the movie actually starts. I really like this movie. I didn't think I would. And I liked it despite the fact that Edward Norton was just okay. He had this look on his face the whole time like he was trying to hold in a fart b/c it would squirt out into his pants a little bit. But how else COULD you play that part...I mean right?

I LOVED William Hurt in this movie. He's great. The action is really really good. Hulk did some serious smashing. Chad likes. I also liked how they explained how Bruce Banner was learning to control the outbreaks. Tim Roth was kind of weird in the movie and I usually really like him but it was a cool addition to see him develop into a bad guy in the movie. And the part that REALLY made me love the fact that they made this movie happened in the last scene. I won't spoil it, just go see it.

Chad's review - he rips a cop car in half dude...what more could you ask for?

TJ says...IN. First, Ed Norton Jr. (and do you have to be a Jr. to be in a super hero movie?), is great. That dude can act. I thought he did great. Liv Tyler's back among the living and does an adequate job, although she has horse mouth. The movie though, was very intense. Lots of action, stuff gets blown up.

Unlike George Lucas, the CGI was great and not over the top. I was really into all the action scenes with the Hulk and thought they were really well done. Also, the last scene was great and gets me excited for the next movie(s).

TJ's review...Go see it. Hulk's a bad green mofo.

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